What is a Standing Desk? 6 Health Benefits of Using It
Modern lifestyle rarely allows people to maximize the optimal benefits of movement. Most people spend their awake hours working, which mainly involves sitting over their desk, humping up over a computer, and typing with their shoulders hunched as their backs ache.
In the end, such prolonged sitting postures result in back and neck pain, which compromise the quality of life and performance.
Fortunately, if you’re like most employers and employees, there is a little secret to dealing with this challenge: the Costco standing desk. The standing desk is an increasingly prominent investment in most workplaces and you probably don’t know why.
Read on to learn what you should know about a standing desk, which is gaining popularity in the market – what is it? What are its benefits and why should you or your employer invest in one?
What is a Standing Desk?
As the name suggests, a standing desk is a piece of furniture that allows you to work, write or draw while standing or sitting on a high stool.
The ergonomic device is also known as a sit-stand desk or height-adjustable desk. Standing desks are available in various types to meet your budget and office space suitably. These desks are adjustable to help you adjust the height and alternate between sitting and standing as you work.
By investing in a standing desk, you improve the work ergonomics at your workplace, whether at home or away, characterized by the numerous impressive perks it provides.
Health Benefits of Using a Standing Desk
The best standing desk is designed to negate the effects of sitting too long while working. The equipment brings a range of benefits, such as:
1. Minimizes back and neck pain
Almost everyone suffers from back and neck pain at some point in their life, and worse if you are an office worker who spends most of their working hours sitting at the desk.
Sitting for long hours applies excessive pressure on the neck and lower back, which results in back and neck pain if you don’t take the necessary measures. Working in a poor sitting posture can also lead to the same conditions, which demand adequate ergonomic support for your safety and efficient performance.
Employers who invest in the best standing desk for their employees save them from the chronic effects of back and neck pain. They do this by promoting a dynamic posture that involves alternating between sitting and standing as people work.
You can implement the same concept even in your home office, as doing so mitigates the possible strain on your back, neck, and shoulders by ensuring you sit for shorter hours.
2. Lowers the risk of heart disease
Most people believe that sitting is better than standing, which is true following the research that has been done for many years now.
A 1953 study on bus conductors and drivers showed that the former had a 50% risk of suffering deaths associated with heart disease than the latter. Conductors spend the whole day standing while drivers sit throughout their working hours.
Sixty years later, the findings are still the same on bus conductors from 18 studies and about 800,000 participants. The conclusion is that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality by up to 90% and 147% higher cardiovascular cases.
For this reason, a Costco standing desk becomes a priority for every workplace, as it is the key to alleviating the sedentary lifestyle – sitting throughout your working hours.
3. Lowers the risk of obesity and weight gain
Weight gain happens when you consume more calories than what your body burns. Unfortunately, more than 44% of workers at the office claim to have gained weight in their current job. About 53% of these employees believe it is due to their long working hours. But what if you can burn calories while working by putting in insignificant effort?
A standing desk such as the Cotsco standing desk allows you to stand while working instead of sitting. Doing so burns up to 50 more calories hourly in your body which reduces your risk for weight gain and obesity.
If you stand for 3 hours every day at work, that makes 750 calories weekly and 30,000 calories or 8 pounds annually. In comparison to running, the amount makes 10 marathons every year, which makes you one of the physically fit humans in this era.
4. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels
A rise in blood sugar levels after a meal is normal. However, if you have an immense spike in blood sugar, you may be at a higher risk of suffering from diabetes, a condition that is commonly linked to a poor lifestyle. People with insulin resistance have a higher risk of becoming diabetic, which demands instant protective measures.
Fortunately, with ergonomic devices such as the Flexispot standing desk, you can minimize blood sugar spikes by up to 43% after your lunch break. Using such a standing desk ensures you stand for up to 3 hours to achieve the desired results.
Installing a Costco standing desk encourages the sitting and standing alternation work routine in the workplace, which significantly reduces blood sugar levels and spikes among the workforce. Besides, you don’t need any physical movement to achieve the desired outcome.
5. Enhances your mood and energy
A sedentary lifestyle has been proven to increase the risk of depression and anxiety. The findings explain why most employees who spend most hours sitting while working are likely to be moody, anxious, and depressed, making the Flexispot standing desk a great investment.
A standing desk allows you to stand while working, which improves your mood and makes you happier. A “Take-a-Stand Project” done in 2011 on a sample size of 24 office workers showed improvement in mood as they worked on standing desks over a period of 4 weeks.
At the end of the research, the participants answered questions regarding the benefits of a sitting and standing alternation working routine. Some of the benefits they gave include more comfort, energy, less stress, more focus, happiness, productivity, and better health.
Interestingly, the removal of the desks led to mood deterioration among the participants, which explains why you should fit your workplace with a Costco standing desk. Alternatively, you can get a standing desk at Amazon.
6. Enhances your productivity
In addition to the above perks, a standing desk can enhance your productivity and mental focus. Your body is likely to perform better and more efficiently when it is in perfect shape – no back and neck pain, cardiovascular risks, weight gain, or diabetes. This, in the end, improves your productivity.
Wrapping Up the Benefits of Using a Standing Desk
A standing desk brings immense health benefits to both employees in offices and anyone working at home. Whether it’s a Costco standing desk or a standing desk from Amazon, you can reap numerous benefits associated with working on a sitting and standing alternation routine.
In the end, you will enjoy a better quality of life and better productivity making the equipment a crucial addition to any workspace. It’s ideal for anyone looking to grow, expand and succeed in the competitive business world.
The key is to reduce the sedentary lifestyle by incorporating some standing hours in your work routine regardless of your busy life – which is exactly what you achieve with a standing desk.
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