Medicinal Garden Kit Review | A Complete Natural Pharmacy in Your Backyard

Technology has transformed every industry, including medicine. Read this medicinal garden kit review to learn how to grow a natural pharmacy in your backyard.

Pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing advanced drugs which cause severe complications in the future. People are looking for natural remedies to prolong life and improve overall health. 

Medicinal Garden Kit is an indoor garden kit by Nicole Alpelian that provides you with ten seeds that grow into medicinal herbs. You can grow the seeds in your backyard and have a lifetime supply of healing plants.

Keep reading this Medicinal Garden Kit review to learn more about the kit.

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: What is Medicinal Garden Kit?

Medicinal Garden Kit is a plant-growing kit that helps you learn the best indoor herb garden and how to grow medicinal plants in your backyard. It has ten premium quality packages with 2,409 seeds sourced in the United States. 

You can harvest the seedlings with the herb garden and turn them into essential oils, infusions, ointments, and more. The kit will equip you with the necessary tips to grow and maintain healthy seedlings without trouble. It gives information on herbs with medicinal power, like peppermint, basil, lemon balms, etc. 

The medicinal herbs and plants will give your backyard a new and vibrant look smelling like lavender and chamomile. Medicinal Garden Kit provides you with rare seeds for medicinal plants that you won’t find anywhere else. You can use medicinal plants for your heart, liver, brain, kidney, and immune system and improve overall health.

Get a Copy of the Medicinal Garden Kit From the Official Website Now

The kit is beginner-friendly; you don’t need gardening experience to maintain the ten plants. It enables you to own a garden using natural remedies. Medicinal Garden Kit is easy to use as it comes with clear instructions. 

Nicole Apelian, the creator of Medicinal Garden Kit, hand-picked the finest seeds from the best plants worldwide. Medicinal Garden Kit has science-backed information and GMO-free seeds for optimal health. 

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: How Does the Medicinal Garden Kit Work?

Medicinal Garden Kit is the most straightforward guide to maintaining a backyard garden. It enables people to take care of their health by understanding the healing power of various plants and herbs. 

The garden kit allows you to utilize natural medicinal herbs and enhance your health without prescription drugs or supplements. Your garden will always be available in times of crisis when you can access hospitals, doctors, or pharmacies. 

The seed packages in Medicinal Garden Kit can transform medicinal plants into essential oils, tinctures, ointments, salves, infusions, decoctions, and poultices. The kit provides expert plant-growing support that gives you access to a membership community of like-minded people. 

You don’t have to be an expert to own a garden. The kit helps you learn how to use reusable objects like a grow box, soil pods, soil discs, plant makers, and LED lighting to grow indoor plants. 

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: Inside the Medicinal Garden Kit


Chicory is a wild plant native to America. It is rare to find as it grows deep in forested mountains. Chicory has incredible medicinal properties, like treating digestive problems and eliminating fatigue, sinuses, and pain relief. Chicory plant is rich in chicory acid (CA), a plant chemical with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Chicory root has caffeine that can ease pain and inflammation, its seeds prevent cancer, and the leaves are rich in minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, iodine, and selenium. 

How to Use Chicory

  • Ground chicory root and add one tablespoon to your coffee or tea to regulate bowel movement and for laxative effects.
  • Use chicory infusion for sinuses.
  • Use chicory decoction of adrenal fatigue.
  • Use chicory salve for pain relief.
  • Use chicory poultice as an antifungal.
  • Use chicory tincture for liver protection.
  • Chicory has long roots that help pull nutrients from the deep soil and return them when it dies.


Yarrow stops bleeding in case of an injury and prevents the risk of infection. It can also treat burns, insect bites, menstrual cramps, and heartburn. Yarrow flowers attract insects like bees, ladybugs, aphids, and other pests. Flowers are also helpful in pollination. 

Yarrow Medicinal Recipe

  • Chew fresh yarrow leaves to ease toothache and numb the area
  • Infused yarrow oil treats swelling and varicose veins
  • Use yarrow tincture for burns, cuts, bruises, and insect bites
  • Use yarrow salve for old scars
  • Use yarrow tea for digestive problems

California Poppy

The plant supports deep sleep and reduces insomnia. California poppy produces a high amount of pollen which is food for insects. The plant’s water needs are very minimal. California poppy is rich in Vitamin A, which strengthens your immunity.

California Poppy Medicinal Recipe

  • Cut the plants’ leaves, flowers, or stems, pour hot water, allow it to rest for 10 minutes, and drink it before bed to induce sleep.
  • Use California poppy tincture for deep sleep.
  • Use California poppy decoction of head lice.


Marshmallow has anti-inflammatory properties and can support a healthy digestive system. The plant’s leaves and roots are antibacterial and prevent digestive disorders like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, and indigestion. 

Marshmallow Medicinal Recipe

  • Put marshmallow roots in a jar and cover them with ice-cold water. Leave it for a few hours to allow it to produce the mucilage extract. Drink it for digestive support.
  • Use marshmallow poultice for skin repair.
  • Use decoction for a stubborn cough.
  • Use marshmallow salve as a throat syrup.


Chamomile is a natural antibiotic and treats swollen joints, disrupted muscles, and irritated eyes. It has calm and relaxing effects on your digestive muscles. Chamomile oil is a natural skin care remedy and has healing effects.

Chamomile Medicinal Recipe

  • Add fresh or dried chamomile leaves to your bath water to relax your muscles and joints.
  • Use chamomile oil for healing wounds and skin ulcers.
  • Use chamomile tincture for sciatica and rheumatic pain.
  • Use chamomile sitz bath for hemorrhoids.

Evening Primrose

Evening primrose has gamma-linoleic and linoleic acids that support skin health and the membranes of nerve cells. It reduces fatigue, balances hormones, and aids in weight loss.

Evening Primrose Medicinal Recipe

  • Crush the roots of leaves to make a poultice and use it directly on your skin or wound to enhance healing.
  • Use evening primrose oil for skin and nerves.
  • Use evening primrose tea for mood swings, digestive issues, sore throat, and cough.


The aromatic plant keeps away moths during winter and reduces anxiety. The lavender plant is an antidepressant that improves blood flow, strengthens hair follicles, and reduces hair loss.

Lavender Medicinal Recipe

  • Pick fresh lavender, put in a pouch, and place it under your pillow or mattress to keep off mosquitoes and insects.
  • Use lavender oil for fungal infections, acne, dry skin, and psoriasis.
  • Use lavender tincture and tea for anxiety.
  • Use lavender salve for cracked lips, cuticles, dry elbows, and feet.


Echinacea supports the immune system by making the white blood cells in the body. It has alkamides that hold together the cell membranes and helps the body fight viral infections.

Echinacea Medicinal Recipe

  • Take Echinacea roots, slice them, boil them in a pot, and simmer for 30 minutes. Drink it when hot to boost your immune system.
  • Use Echinacea decoction for pains and aches.
  • Use Echinacea oil for inflammation.
  • Use Echinacea salve for skin.


Calendula is an anti-inflammatory agent that treats skin conditions and can fight pathogens. It prevents bacterial infections, promotes healing, prevents sore throats, colds, and treats arthritis, muscle aches, sprains, bruises, and strains.

Calendula Medicinal Recipe

  • Use calendula flower-infused oil for skin problems.
  • Use calendula salve for scars and wounds.
  • Use calendula tea for mouth ulcers, sore throat, irritated eyes, and stomach issues.
  • Use calendula spray for burns.


Feverfew has anti-inflammatory properties that treat inflamed joints, muscles, and painful joints. It has a parthenolide compound that prevents blood clotting and prevents cancer cells from spreading.

Feverfew Medicinal Recipe

  • Chew raw feverfew leaves to reduce migraine attacks and fever
  • Use feverfew oil for inflamed joints and as a natural insect repellant
  • Use feverfew tincture for migraine
  • Use feverfew salve for eczema, acne, and rosacea
  • Use feverfew compress for bruised skin

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: The Benefits of Medicinal Garden Kit

  • Medicinal Garden Kit gives you a medicinal plant garden in your backyard.
  • The kit provides a new understanding of the healing power of plants.
  • Medicinal Garden Kit will make you survive a crisis.
  • The garden kit supports your overall health. 
  • With Medicinal Garden Kit, you will be prepared for tough times.
  • Medicinal Garden Kit gives you a healthy alternative to prescription drugs and many doctor visits.
  • Medicinal Garden Kit has rare seeds that you won’t find anywhere else.
  • The kit is suitable for beginners and expert farmers.
  • You can turn medicinal plants into tinctures, oils, infusions, ointments, salves, and more.
  • You can gift someone the Medicinal Garden Kit to help them. become self-sufficient and improve their health.
  • The kit has 100% natural and GMO-free seeds.


  • You can only access Medicinal Garden Kit online on the official website.
  • It takes time to set up the garden and grow the plants.

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: Pricing and Moneyback Guarantee

You can get Medicinal Garden Kit at a remarkable deal of $59 only on the official website. The offer may expire soon, exclusive of the shipping and handling fee. 

The company ensures maximum customer satisfaction, so the garden kit has a 365-day money-back guarantee. The refund policy allows you to try the product for one year, and if it doesn’t work, you get a 100% refund. 

Medicinal Garden Kit Review: Conclusion

Medicinal Garden Kit by Nicole Apelian is what you need to transform your garden and improve your health. It provides medicinal plants with natural healing power for various diseases. Growing the herbs from seeds will help you prepare to survive tough times.

The garden kit helps you understand how to use medicinal plants correctly to gain full benefits. Medicinal Garden Kit allows you to gain control of your health with a long-term supply of medicinal herbs. 

The kit provides natural remedies and a guide to get the most out of the seeds. It comes with clear guidelines and instructions on how to get started. You don’t have to be a skilled farmer to use Medicinal Garden Kit.

Medicinal Garden Kit is an affordable and safe alternative to prescription drugs and supplements. The kit has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, ensuring a risk-free investment. With this honest medicinal garden kit review, you can get started.
Visit the official Medicinal Garden Kit to get started

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